Why Nerf Blasters are a Hit Among Kids and Adults Alike

The venerable Nerf Blaster has been around since the late 1980s and today its appeal seems greater than ever. For children, the Nerf Blaster is a fun toy that allows for playtime with other kids. While adults seem to enjoy the blasters just as much as the children.

Nerf Gun

And by children, it should be limited to mostly boys. While there are girls who play with Nerf Blasters, the overwhelming audience is boys, particularly teens and young adults. And even older adult males who still find time to play with the blasters.

The concept of the Nerf Blaster is a simple one. A device that hurls a soft, foamy projectile at a person. The speed and cushioning of the projectile is such that injuries are quite rare. But why are Nerf Blasters so popular with both kids and adults? There is more than one answer to that question which has been asked for quite some time.

Nerf Blasters are for Kids!

Although Nerf Blasters are still relatively new compared to toys on the market that have been around for several decades, even well over a century. The appeal falls into the old children’s game of “cops and robbers” or “cowboys and Indians”. In essence, children divide up into teams and playing against each other.

Nerf Blaster

This role playing type of play has been around long before the role playing boardgames which started in the 1970s. The fantasy aspects of being a police officer, cowboy, or other role fits perfectly in with the appeal of Nerf Blasters.

Add to this that Nerf Blasters provide additional realism thanks to their foamy, cushioned projectiles. Instead of pretending that you shot the “bad guy”, you can do it with perfect safety because of the Nerf Blaster. And while this may take away from the imagination aspect a little, in some ways it completes the fantasy play by offering outside verification.

Nerf Auto Blaster

But what is the appeal to adults who have long outgrown the fantasy roleplaying aspects of simple children’s play. Or have they?

Adult Appeal

The appeal of Nerf Blasters for adults is somewhat more complicated compared to kids, but it is basically the same on one level.

The rise of Airsoft and particularly paintball demonstrates that dividing up into teams and playing against each other is still as strong as ever. The Nerf Blasters offer a simple, less expensive, and in some ways, less messy way of playing against each other.

Nerf Limited Edition Blaster

In addition, the Nerf Blasters have been around long enough that there is a nostalgic appeal along with a collectable one. While the collectability of Nerf Blasters is not the same as comic books or Hot Wheels, there is something about purchasing a toy that was played with decades ago. Plus, there are a few models of Nerf Blasters that have gone out of production which have grown in value.

For kids and adults, Nerf Blasters are still a highly popular toy. Allowing for real time play away from the television or computer screen. A type of interaction that is both old and yet fresh thanks to the inclusion of the safe Nerf Blasters.

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